Monday, February 16, 2009

Help for IBS

From Sundy:
I know it's been a while since I've posted. I do apologize for that....circumstances changed.

I wanted to tell you all about this new way of eating I've been practicing. I haven't really changed much about what I do and do not eat...just the order of how I eat the items on my plate.

I have IBS. If you have it, you know that sometimes, it can be a very confusing and frustrating and painful syndrome. I got a diagnosis a few years ago, but looking back, I can see that it has been affecting me for a lot longer. Stress makes it worse, but essentially, my brain-gut function is skewed.

Help For IBS is where I finally found some assistance with that. Heather (the owner of the site) explains that if you separate your fibers into two groups (soluble and insoluble), and eat slightly larger amounts of soluble fiber before you eat insoluble fiber, most of the pain and embarrassment that accompany IBS are alleviated. There are, of course, a few more guidelines than that...but that was the key to helping me. I also try to eat several smaller meals, and there are just a very few foods that I avoid.

Pain is the body's idiot light. If I am listening to my body and eating for my specific needs, then I should be processing my food "normally" with no pain after eating, and that is the ultimate goal for me.

A bonus? Without exercise, without changing the amounts I eat, I have lost 6 1/2 lbs since the beginning of January. My body is finally beginning to adjust to this new diet. Now, after I buy an exercise bike off of Craig's list, I should be well on my way to losing some of this weight.

Happy and blessed day to all of you!

Walmart Giveaway

From Aliisa:

Over at $, Erin is giving away 2 - $25 dollar walmart gift cards so head over there and register to win!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

White Chicken Chili

From Aliisa:

Our white chicken chili was wonderful!! Hot and spicy but wonderful.
I did calculate the cost of this meal.
Chicken 1 1/2 lbs 2.00
Beans 1.00
salsa verde 1.20
onion .10
peppers .50
garlic .20 (I didnt use what they called for)
seasoning .25
Salad 1.00
Total $6.25
Ok, not a $5.00 dinner but I think its great. To be honest, I just cant make $5 dinners around here very often. But I can usually do around $6 - $6.50 so I guess I cant complain!!


From Aliisa:

This week I am working out of my freezers. I have so much surplus that I really need to use some of this up. So here is my menu for this week:

Monday: Cereal
Tuesday: Muffins (banana and strawberry)
Wednesday: Oatmeal
Thursday: Cereal
Friday: Eggs and Toast
Saturday: Breakfast Tacos
Sunday: Cereal


Monday - Friday: Jarred takes leftovers and Emily eats at school

Saturday: Leftovers

Sunday: Leftovers

Monday: White Chicken Chili, Salad
Tuesday: Pork Roast
Wednesday: Split Pea Soup, Peasant bread
Thursday: Chicken breasts, mashed potatoes, green beans
Friday: Family Night Homemade Pizzas
Saturday: Friends cooking
Sunday: Chili Baked Potatoes and broccoli