Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Stain Treatment

From Aliisa:

My daughter has a light blue coat and I dont know what she does to it but I can never get it totally clean. The arms and around the bottom of the coat always look dirty and dingy no matter how many times I wash it or treat it and soak it and then wash it. I had just given up on it.

So last night I treated it and washed it and it was still dirty looking and then it hit me. The Fels Naptha bar of soap that I use to make my laundry soap is a pre treatment for laundry. So I got out a new bar of soap, got it wet and began rubbing it on all the dirty areas of her coat. All the stuff that I had treated before and that had been dried into the coat and then I washed it. Her coat came out looking almost brand new. I could hardly believe it!!

I am now converted. Anything that could get that coat clean is a miracle stain treatment for me!! And in my area it is only $1.29 for a large bar of it which Im sure will last a long time. What a bargain.

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