Tuesday, November 4, 2008


From Aliisa:
We had a very busy weekend which started on friday morning with Emily's class party. Then we went to lunch with her to have pizza and cake with yucky orange icing...makes me wonder what they are feeding our kids!

Friday afternoon we carved our pumpkin because we forgot to do it on Thursday. Usually we do it earlier but this year we wanted to save our pumpkin for cooking. So here is Emily with her carved pumpkin.

After that, we rushed around to get here ready for trick or treating...I even had time to do her makeup....mind you...Im not very good *lol*

Yes I know...looks funny but it was really cute...I promise *lol*
After trick or treating we went to a fall party and roasted hotdogs and had smores and ended the night with a hay ride. It was a very full night!!
Saturday we spent the day cooking up the pumpkin and putting in the sink. It went well but then the plastic pipes that came with the sink split and now, we have to go buy new ones...so unfortunately our sink is still not finished. But its all good....because it will be.
Saturday night we spent with friends...we had what we fondly call junk food night. It was alot of fun. We played the Wii and ate way too much food.
Sunday we visited a new church. We are now church hunting since Jarred is no longer working on Sunday mornings. We liked it but are still going to visit some others.
Monday I spent the day trying to gain some ground on the mess from the weekend. I made progress but didnt get it all done. So today I have to work on that some more.
And finally...this morning. Jarred and I got up really early so that we could go vote before it got busy. He was down there at 6am when the polls opened and I went around 6:15 when he got back. Its nice to be done with that.
So now I am off to work on the house....fun fun *lol*

1 comment:

Aliisa said...

From Sundy:

Awwww! What an adorable little witch! :) Good job on the punkin, too! :)