Friday, October 24, 2008

Starting the day over

From Sundy:

On Wednesday, my day started with stepping in baby cat poo ( it was dark and my feet were bare!), progressed to no charge on the car battery so I was late getting to work, and it continued into the work day with lots and lots of bigwigs from corporate sites coming in to "visit," while I look like an uncombed wacko with a button on my shirt that would not stay buttoned.

So I e-mailed Aliisa, kvetched a bit (well, maybe more than a bit), and she lifted me right up! (I just love how we do that for each other.) So I started my day over again, determined not to let a "bad start" ruin the rest of my day!

I couldn't find a safety pin for my unruly button, but I did find a twist tie, of all things, in the bottom of my purse. I wrapped it around the back of my button. It didn't show from the front, but it did keep my shirt from flying open at inappropriate times. :)

My husband said he would fix the problem with my battery. All I had to do was pick up a ground cable on the way home from work, and he'd take care of the rest. I have an elderly car, and apparently the ground cable has been stretched and trimmed so many times that it was about a quarter of an inch too short to stay clamped into the battery terminal thingy. Every time I hit a bump, it would slip out.

For reasons that became clear later, though I had no idea at the time, I decided on the spur of the moment to go get the cable at lunch. So I headed a few miles down the road to the auto parts store that we frequent. And yes, I mean "frequent" as in "frequently." LOL

They were out of that dumb cable everywhere, including out of state! The female clerk said it would be about 5-10 business days before they could get it to me. ARRRRGHHHH! (But see, I's not her fault.)

The clerk and I got to talking, and she said, "Hang on," and went outside to talk to a friend of hers. Then she had me come outside, too, and got her friend to fix the cable for free! :)

Somehow he got enough play in the cable that he got about 3 inches extra out of it! (I was reminded of Loaves and Fishes!) It took him about 5-10 minutes, tops. I know God sent him! :) If I had not decided to go to the store at that particular time, we would probably have never crossed paths.

Some people call these things me, a coincidence is God's way of showing us that everything and everyone is connected through Him. (GMC, a friend used to call it...God-Manipulated Coincidence.)

I tried to give my car's savior some money, and he said he was working the clock for someone else at the moment, and it was no big deal to it was fixed for free! No parts, no labor.

Don'tcha just love that? :)

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