Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My snotty shaving gel

From Aliisa:

Ok, first let me apologize for the title...horrible isnt it? Sorry.

Now, I had this idea the other day that I could save money turning bars of soap into liquid bath soap. You see, the liquid bath soap I love so much, cost a fortune. So, I did an experiment with a bar of Ivory soap I had here at the house. I read that you could grate the whole bar add 2 cups of water and you are done. Yea...I dont think so. I did this and when it cooled, my liquid soap was definately not liquid enough so, I squeezed it back into the pan and added more water. This made it better. However, when my daughter used it she didnt like the "squeeky clean feeling" she wanted soft squeezed it back out and added olive oil to it. You know, they make bars of soap out of olive oil but what they dont tell you is that 1. your soap doesnt suds up anymore and 2. it comes out like snot. So...this wasnt good for bathing and rather than trash the whole batch, I shaved my leggs with it. Guess what? It was the BEST shaving gel I have ever used!!! So here is my to speak.

1 bar of Ivory soap grated
3 1/2 cups of water
1/4 cup olive oil

Melt together until all soap is melted. Pour into old soap or shampoo bottles and let cool. It looks disgusting but it feels great!!

Think I should sell it as "Aliisa's snotty shaving gel"? *lol* just kidding

1 comment:

Aliisa said...

From Sundy:

SnotShave! The shaving gel of the millenium! :)

Love ya! :)